Monday, November 2, 2015

Day One.

Today marks my first day back to healthy choices and healthy eats! Which leads me to my first blog entry. The purpose is maily so I can look back at my journey and remember the hard days, the easier days and reflect on what contributed to it all. Also for me to keep track of my meals/recipe ideas and see the effects of my nutrition on my overall health and balance. If someone else is encouraged along the way, even better.

Day 1: Monday November 2nd

Woke up at 6:10AM 

7:00AM Probiotic, cranberry supplement & Trader Joes green tea with lemon.

8:45AM In The Raw super green food powder with 8oz water 
9:00AM hot green tea with lemon 

11:45 Super green food powder with 8oz water 
12:00 hot water with lemon

1:45 fresh green juice from local juice bar 16oz

Water throughout day.

6:30PM sautéed fresh veggies with two tablespoons of virgin olive oil. Seasoned with salt free Mrs. Dash, pepper and pinch of table salt 
Green bell peppers 
Yellow squash
Green squash

Enzyme with small glass of water.

8:00PM multi vitamin, shot of liquid aloe vera hot chamomile tea.

What I noticed about today is, I was "starving" at about 9AM. Supposed to drink first juice/mix of the day within an hour of waking up. The next time I felt so hungry was around 1. Drinking tea or hot lemon water would make my hunger cease temporarily. This way I could make sure I was actually "hungry" and not just thristy. At no point was today unbearable. The vegetables for dinner tasted as good as a cheese burger-probably because I was so excited to chew something. I feel light, less bloated and extremely hydrated.

I didn't perform any physical activity today. I weighed in this morning on an empty stomach at 170 lbs.


  1. DAMN!!!! You rocked it today, thank you for posting and sharing xoxo

  2. :D I am going to take away several things from today that you did and implement into my week
